domingo, 18 de junio de 2017




This tumblr aspires to become a
helpful resource for history (and mainly fashion history) research and
focuses primarily on illuminations from medieval and renaissance

Note: I am not a professional fashion
historian. If you spot any inconsistency or outright fallacy somewhere
in the picture descriptions please feel free (or even better, obliged)
to let me know!

Bibliothèque nationale de France, Latin 16827 - Missel romain, copié en 1492 pour Jean de Foix - 378r


Bibliothèque nationale de France, Latin 16827 - Missel romain, copié en 1492 pour Jean de Foix - 378r


ca. 1200, Millstatt Abbey (Carinthia - Austria)

Kärntner Landesarchiv

a couple embracingsource


Ilustration from De claris mulieribus by Giovanni Boccaccio in an anonymous French translation from Rouen, c. 1440 


Ilustration from De claris mulieribus by Giovanni Boccaccio in an anonymous French translation from Rouen, c. 1440 

selection of some dancing Salomes

1. bronze door, Verona, Basilica di San Zeno

2. Bourges cathedral

3. 1310-20 British Library, Royal 2 B VII (Queen Mary Psalter), fol. 264v

4. ca. 1200-25 British Library, Arundel 157, fol. 7r

5. St John in Mustair

6. c. 1325-50 British Library, YatesThompson 13, fol. 106v

ca. 1508-1538

British Library, Add MS 20927: The ‘Stuart de Rothesay Hours’, use of Rome

119v - the Three Living and the Three Dead

source (BL)

read more for my failed attempt at a hilarious RPG reference!

15th century Italy

Bastia Mondovi, Chiesa di San Fiorenzo

Episodes from the Life of St Anthony Abbot (?) (frescoes)

source (flickr, Andrea Carloni)

Always remember to keep your women at a walking stick’s length.

beginning of the 14th century Eastern Central Germany
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Cod.Pal.germ.164: Heidelberger Sachsenspiegel
fol. 22r detail
Bestest pals.

beginning of the 14th century Eastern Central Germany

Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cod.Pal.germ.164: Heidelberger Sachsenspiegel

fol. 22r detail

Bestest pals.



Bibliothèque nationale de France, NAL 3187

fol. 139v - office of the dead


ca. 1310 East Anglia

Oxford, Bodleian Library

MS. Douce 366: Ormesby Psalter

fol. 131r

source (LUNA)

Yes, I know what you’re all thinking. It’s a dagger.

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